We’re all in this together – 1.5 metres apart
I can’t be the first scribbler recently to have sat down with a blank page and thought this is going to be the hardest column I’ve had to write. In the current health climate, I’m trying to think of an…
I can’t be the first scribbler recently to have sat down with a blank page and thought this is going to be the hardest column I’ve had to write. In the current health climate, I’m trying to think of an…
You may have noticed that things have changed in terms of how the magazine looks and operates. This being a digital mag in the digital age, it won’t be a surprise to know that most of you read it on…
For all his self-titled ‘useless information’ up the back of the mag, Macca occasionally raises a good point. This month is one of them. He talks about the subscription to the Facebook expert. Now, I have raised this topic a…
Hunger can do strange things to the mind. We can make irrational decisions and decisions that can see us wishing we hadn’t had that last “wafer-thin mint”. Are you a foodie when it comes to your travel? Does a region…
Happy New Year to you. I hope you had or are having a fantastic time with any amount of summer break you’re allowed. And happy is the theme of my rant on the soapbox this month, but first … I…
In light of our feature story this month, on the forced closure of a popular free camp in Rockhampton, I was further disappointed to hear about another similar situation just this week. Bulls Camp Reserve is on the Great Western…
I drove a Ford F250 once, well more than once. I drove it so much I didn’t wanna give it back, in fact, when I was supposed to give it back I nicked off to Melbourne in it contrary to…
Have you ever considered taking off to travel full-time? Of course you have. I’d be surprised if anyone reading this magazine hadn’t slipped out of work mode for a few minutes every now and again to lose ‘current consciousness’ and…
After years of worrying about ‘bloody Volvo drivers’ as a motorcyclist in the UK, I have become one. If you’re not familiar with the concept, it’s simply that drivers of the Swedish car marque were thought of as the motorcyclists’…
As I write this editorial, power is the hottest topic in town; that town being Canberra. Before I raise my internal temperature on that topic, I shall switch to another form of power: 12-volt. Let’s see, 12-volt power is the…
This month’s feature on caravan park woes may strike a chord with some of you, but how many? I think we have all driven into town during a peak holiday season and phoned or driven in to enquire about a…
If you read my story about the Man from Snowy River Festivalin this issue – and of course, I hope you do – it deals with pre-formed opinions and expectations. I’d say that all of us ‘suffer’ from this trait.…
With the phrase ‘you never stop learning’ ringing loudly, it’s time to announce properly the major project we’ve been slaving away on for months: The RV Daily Practical Guide to Modern Towing. It’s a bit of a mouthful, but it’s…
Lying in bed on the weekend, trawling social media, I happened upon another raging debate about the questioned requirement for towing licences for caravan owners. As many of these exchanges do, it kicked off with a confused comment and thus…
This month sees me away from home. Currently I’m in Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates, en route to the UK. So my page has taken a little Arabian theme, and as you can see I’ve definitely entered into…
One of the hottest topics for us is free camping, or freedom camping as some prefer to call it. This latter term is to dispel the myth that everyone who doesn’t stay in a caravan park is looking to camp…
Most, of us dream about doing a hot lap of the island. Others dream of circumnavigating the globe on an odyssey that may see them never to return. They’re big dreams and the bigger the dream he bigger the perceived…
A few events conspired to prompt this month’s editorial. The first was the weather. It’s suddenly turned a lot colder around Sydney. The second was the article we ran in issue 14 about caravanning in winter and the third was…