Tag Editor’s Letter

Horses and Courses

If you read my story about the Man from Snowy River Festivalin this issue – and of course, I hope you do – it deals with pre-formed opinions and expectations. I’d say that all of us ‘suffer’ from this trait.…

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Tow Baubles

With the phrase ‘you never stop learning’ ringing loudly, it’s time to announce properly the major project we’ve been slaving away on for months: The RV Daily Practical Guide to Modern Towing. It’s a bit of a mouthful, but it’s…

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When in Rome?

This month sees me away from home. Currently I’m in Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates, en route to the UK. So my page has taken a little Arabian theme, and as you can see I’ve definitely entered into…

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Dollars, Driven

One of the hottest topics for us is free camping, or freedom camping as some prefer to call it. This latter term is to dispel the myth that everyone who doesn’t stay in a caravan park is looking to camp…

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It’s About Time

Most, of us dream about doing a hot lap of the island. Others dream of circumnavigating the globe on an odyssey that may see them never to return. They’re big dreams and the bigger the dream he bigger the perceived…

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Running on Fumes

A few events conspired to prompt this month’s editorial. The first was the weather. It’s suddenly turned a lot colder around Sydney. The second was the article we ran in issue 14 about caravanning in winter and the third was…

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