Your appetite for travel

Hunger can do strange things to the mind. We can make irrational decisions and decisions that can see us wishing we hadn’t had that last “wafer-thin mint”. Are you a foodie when it comes to your travel? Does a region…

March 24, 2019

Hunger can do strange things to the mind. We can make irrational decisions and decisions that can see us wishing we hadn’t had that last “wafer-thin mint”.

Are you a foodie when it comes to your travel? Does a region lure you to tour it with promises of open farm gates and cellar door tastings? Will you go out of your way to find these outlets which, with some exceptions, are businesses operating on a local level and so really welcome the retail and social elements your patronage provides.

Vintages and crops are seasonal, of course, just like the backpacker migration to pick the produce for Australian and international tables, and does such timing have an effect on your travels or do many of you celebrate that accidental find? The goat dairy whose cheese you love to have grace your happy hour tray of delicacies, or looking to replenish wine stocks once the case of Hunter or Margaret River variety runs out.

This country is one that celebrates food. The home renovation boom was in part fuelled by TV shows and the screens are dominated by programs devoted to cooking in one form or another by amateurs and professionals. If this doesn’t send you flying off to the shops to try new ways to excite your taste buds at home, then travelling might seem an environment that doesn’t lend itself to breaking with simple culinary methods. But shouldn’t it? Isn’t travel about trying new things, in new places, with new friends? I’m yet to experience a grazing platter full stop, but it sounds like a get-together!

You could say Aussies also celebrate a tipple too, and reports on the subject show swings between wine and beer consumption when one peaks over the other. So what are you having? While many regions around the country offer a wine or two, these days you’re almost as likely to happen upon an outlet for local beer or cider as micro-breweries pop up in curious locations well beyond the hipster hangouts of inner cities. Can’t promise no beards though.

And what of your kitchens? If you have a caravan and you optioned the full oven – do you use it? Or is the barbecue (or camp kitchen) the go-to most of the time? Let’s leave the Ziggy vs Weber debate for another time, eh?
Spending your travel budget matters to you and it also matters to the communities you pass through, from mainstream supermarkets, to the country pubs that let you camp outback in return for dining there and those ’boutique’ signs you might miss as you whizz along the nation’s roads. Everyone needs a good feed, you might say.

So, please let me know. Not only am I curious, I’m now also hungry.

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