The Longest Line 2019

The Australian Motorhoming Lions Club (AMLC) is organising to set two world records – the longest parade of camping vehicles (RVs) currently set at 672, and the longest connected image of an LED rope light. Just quietly, they are expecting…

May 4, 2019

The Australian Motorhoming Lions Club (AMLC) is organising to set two world records – the longest parade of camping vehicles (RVs) currently set at 672, and the longest connected image of an LED rope light. Just quietly, they are expecting to smash this record!
These events, along with a host of other events around the record attempts, will be held at Barcaldine Queensland, commencing 23 May 2019. Some other comps include “Best decorated RVs, day and night”. There is a raft of prizes on offer and it will be a lot of fun. There’s plenty of merchandising available online too.
If you want to participate, it’s important that you email the event organisers ASAP at

Pic by M Street

As a part of bringing life to towns surrounding Barcaldine, the Barcaldine Regional Challenge has been set up. Essentially, when you visit the towns of Alpha, Jericho, Aramac, Muttaburra and Barcaldine and the participating stores, you’ll get tickets to go into the draw to win $500. Participating stores will have posters to guide participants. Go to the website
for more details.

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Anthony Kilner
Anthony Kilner

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