As of 1 November 2018, the NSW Government will reduce the motor vehicle tax for privately owned light caravans and purpose-built camper trailers by 40 per cent.
This reduction is in response to community and caravan industry feedback, and pressure around the real-time use of caravans compared with the average car, plus far cheaper registrations in other states of Australia. This combined pressure has forced the NSW government to act.
Owners of
private use caravans and purpose-built camper trailers with a Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) between 255kg and 4.5 tonnes whose registration is due from 1 November 2018 will be eligible for the reduction. NSW base their registration on vehicle weights and therefore road damage which means motorhomes and campervans are not included in this reduction.
According to NSW Transport Roads & Maritime Services, savings will range from $46 to $471 depending on the weight of the caravan or camper trailer. Registrations can be paid in 3 or 6 month blocks so that owners can take advantage of the new rate on offer sooner.
For more detailed information go to