The Caravan Trade Industry Association of Victoria and Everything Caravan & Camping have announced a joint initiative.
The inaugural free safety inspection days will be held at the upcoming Melbourne Leisurefest on Wednesday 4 and Thursday October 5 at Sandown Racecourse. There are five (5) stages of inspection being carried out:
1) Weights (Victorian Police, VicRoads and Everything Caravan & Camping) – check weights of tow vehicle and caravan to ensure correct and educate;
2) Plumbing and Gas (EnergySafe Victoria and Victorian Building Authority) – check appliances, lines, regulations (ignition sources e.g. caravan movers), vents, combustible materials to close to burners, butane burners to ensure correct and educate;
3) Electrical (EnergySafe Victoria) – check extension leads/cables (e.g. 15 amp), electrical equipment, battery/solar systems, internal electrical equipment to ensure correct and educate;
4) Caravan inspection (Service Safe Accredited Companies) – check dimensions, structural (chassis and body) to ensure correct and educate; and
5) Connection between vehicle and caravan (Hayman Reese) – check connection and demonstrate correct hooking up.
All inspections must be prebooked and confirmed. To register your caravan or RV for a safety inspection go to:
To complete the booking form you will require the details of your caravan or RV such as model, towing weight, etc.
or for more information contact CIA of Victoria on 03 9372 5388.