FREE Caravan & RV Weights Inspections Victoria

Caravan Industry Victoria CIV invites you to their West Melbourne office on Friday 16 April and Friday 23 April 2021 for a FREE caravan weight inspection. The Caravan Industry Victoria CIV has teamed up with Vic Roads to establish these…

April 14, 2021

Caravan Industry Victoria CIV invites you to their West Melbourne office on Friday 16 April and Friday 23 April 2021 for a FREE caravan weight inspection.

The Caravan Industry Victoria CIV has teamed up with Vic Roads to establish these ‘FREE Weight inspections’ for caravans and RV owners who want to ensure their caravan is safe and compliant on the roads. The best part is, it’s quick and easy taking just 15 minutes! This initiative is the result of both organisations prioritising the safety of all recreational vehicle users and the broader public.

All inspections need to be pre-booked online and confirmed by Caravan Industry Victoria. Any that are unable to be inspected will go onto a waiting list for the next scheduled weights inspection day. The event has been designed to increase driver understanding of the challenges they may face whilst travelling on the roads and to ensure they are better equipped to avoid accidents.

To secure your FREE Caravan & RV Weights Inspection book now by clicking HERE.

It is important to note CIV will ONLY be doing weighing services. They will weigh your caravan and tow vehicle to compare your compliance plate ratings versus your actual vehicle weight to ensure you are towing safely and legally.

The program is a safe zone for all who attend. No fines or breaches will be issued. It is purely an educational activity with the ultimate aim of ensuring that you are travelling safe and compliant.

The CIV is slowly reintroducing its regular inspection days. They are promising there will be more locations opening shortly so keep your eyes peeled.

For further information or if you have any questions, you can contact the CIV on 03 9372 5388 or email

Further Reading: Five modifications that can make your caravan overweight

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Marty Ledwich
Marty Ledwich

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