The simple tent peg just became more complex – but better Surely, a tent peg is just a tent peg right? Well, we thought the same until we saw a video highlighting how effective these Hex Pegs are. Instead of…

May 9, 2017

The simple tent peg just became more complex – but better
Surely, a tent peg is just a tent peg right? Well, we thought the same until we saw a video highlighting how effective these Hex Pegs are. Instead of banging them into the ground like a traditional tent peg, these are screwed in with a cordless drill (yes, you have to BYO drill). Hex Pegs are constructed from high quality steel, and can be reused many, many times over.

Priced from: $15

For more information: https://hexpegs.com.au/

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  1. Bunnings, about $4.00 each depending how long you want, plus a washer $0.60
    Plus the head is the same size as the winder on drop down legs so you don’t need a cordless drill.
    Will screw into just about anything, shale/rock/clay/sand
    Have been working brilliantly for past 5 years

  2. Bunnings, about $4.00 each depending how long you want, plus a washer $0.60
    Plus the head is the same size as the winder on drop down legs so you don’t need a cordless drill.
    Will screw into just about anything, shale/rock/clay/sand
    Have been working brilliantly for past 5 years

  3. Nice but in essence nothing new, have been using 150mm galvanised coach bolts, washers and a simple shackle under the head for more then 10 years. Initial outlay about $ 2.50 ach