Bracketron Roadtripper Universal Travel Pack

If tend to forget to bring cables or chargers on your trips, or lose them on your travels, you’ll find Bracketron’s new Roadtripper Universal Travel Pack rather handy. The pack contains a one-metre twin charge and sync cable to suit…

August 27, 2018

If tend to forget to bring cables or chargers on your trips, or lose them on your travels, you’ll find Bracketron’s new Roadtripper Universal Travel Pack rather handy. The pack contains a one-metre twin charge and sync cable to suit both Apple and Samsung users, and a compact and sturdy vent mount and cable for charging – all in a convenient, easy-to-carry travel case. Simply keep it in your vehicle, and it’ll always be there when you need it.

RRP $29.99

For more information: Bracketron

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