The Clearview Power Board is the latest vehicle life hack

Designed to make getting in and out of your off-road vehicle a breeze, the Clearview Power Board lowers to stepping height.

June 13, 2023

Some of us were born on the taller side of life and some of us… just weren’t. You know who you are. It’s difficult to reach the top shelf, you likely bought the Clearview Power Slide so you could access the fridge, and you’re probably having to launch yourself into your vehicle. Especially if it’s been built for off-road and has been additionally lifted for clearance!

Thankfully Clearview® has yet another solution. This one is designed to make getting in and out of your off-road vehicle a breeze. Sound like the solution you’ve been searching for? You’ve come to the right yarn.

What’s the gadget?

Clearview have made a name for themselves when it comes to filling a gap in the market. From their caravan towing mirrors to their fridge slide, Clearview make off-roading, adventuring and camping a whole lot easier and simpler. Clearview® Power Boards provide a safe stepping surface without you having to sacrifice your clearance. These side steps are retractable and provide an easy in and out of the vehicle for those of us who may be challenged in the height department (like myself) or who may have issues with accessibility.

The Clearview® Power Boards are fitted under your vehicle and run along the length of it, between the wheel arches on both the driver and passenger sides. Before you ask, no you won’t have to drill any new holes. Phew. The Power Board is designed to mount into existing OEM holes. 

Watch them in action

How does it work?

No, you won’t need to manually retract them yourself each time you want to get in and out of the vehicle. Clearview® Power Boards are triggered by the vehicle’s door sensor. As soon as the door opens, the Power Board is activated. It then lowers down to an achievable stepping height so you can pop in or out. Once the door has been closed, the Power Board retracts back to the vehicle.

Will it hold my weight?

Unless you’re over 300 kilograms, the answer is yes!

What’s the safety cut off feature?

The inbuilt safety feature activates if any resistance is felt on the step. This is what results in the step holding its position. You can deactivate the safety stop by opening and closing the door again.

You can find the Power Board for your vehicle here. If you can’t see it listed, you have the opportunity to register your interest and Clearview will alert you when they’re released.

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Jess Olson
Jess Olson

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