How to keep your fridge cool in summer

There’s more to keeping your RV’s fridge cool in summer than just plugging it in. Here are our top tips.

January 4, 2020

    There’s nothing quite as satisfying as pulling up to your favourite summertime holiday destination with your caravan or camper, getting all set up and settling down in the camp chair with a nice, cold drink. No doubt, the best and most-used appliance fitted to our RVs is the fridge, but for many travellers, the refrigerator in their RV is a constant source of frustration. It’s either never cold enough or it freezes everything. Either way, the result is the same: spoilt food and no cold beer.

    So, we want to talk about RV fridges and how you can get the best out of them.


    Click here for the full article in RV Daily magazine

    There’s more to keeping your RV’s fridge cool in summer than just plugging it in. Here are our top tips.

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