Cheap vs expensive diesel heaters: should you splurge or save?

The weathers turned officially cold, so with heaters at the forefront of your mind, we talk about whether you should splurge on an expensive diesel heater or save on a cheaper one for your RV.

July 16, 2023

If you haven’t already noticed, most of Australia is pretty flammable and bushfires are common. They’re not always a bad thing; they trigger bush regeneration and create hollows in logs and trees for animals to shelter. But let’s be real, the main effect of a bushfire is one of utter devastation. 

With strict fire bans in place for months at a time around Australia, we can’t rely on fire alone for heat. So what other ways can you stay warm while you’re out in the sticks and the mercury drops? One solution to this problem is to invest in a diesel heater, which can provide a reliable and efficient heat source. However, with so many options on the market, it can be difficult to know whether to splurge on a high-end model or save money with a cheaper one. In this article, we’ll compare cheap diesel heaters to expensive ones and help you determine which option is best for you.

Diesel heaters

First, let’s talk about the benefits of diesel heaters. One of the main advantages of these heaters is their efficiency. Diesel fuel is more energy-dense than other fuels, meaning it can produce more heat per unit of fuel. Additionally, diesel heaters are often more reliable than other types of heaters, as they don’t rely on massive amounts of electricity or potentially explosive LPG to function. This means you can use them in remote areas without access to power or gas.

Diesel heaters

Why do some require me to dig deeper in my pocket?

The main difference between cheap and expensive diesel heaters seems to be the level of features and build quality. Expensive diesel heaters are often made with higher-quality materials and feature more advanced controls, such as thermostats and timers. They may also have quieter operations and claim to have longer lifespans than their cheaper counterparts.

On the other hand, cheap diesel heaters can still provide reliable and efficient heating at a lower cost. While they may not have as many features as expensive models, they can still keep you warm during cold nights. And the issue of them potentially being louder than their more expensive mates may not be a significant issue for all campers.

So, which option should you choose?

Well, it’s a tough one. Bryce and Chelsea from Caravan Adventure Aus have been travelling Australia for the last three years and opted for a cheap diesel heater. They were also able to save more of their hard-earned money by installing it themselves. They report no issues whatsoever and rely on the diesel heater for warmth daily during the colder months. 

Caravan Adventure Aus

Similarly, there’s currently a bloke travelling the Arctic Circle in his van who also opted for a cheaper diesel heater, using it almost 24 hours a day with no reported issues either. 

Both cheap and expensive diesel heaters can provide effective heating solutions for caravans and campers. It seems the key is to weigh the features and benefits of each option against your budget and specific needs. If you decide to go with a less expensive diesel heater, take the time to look into one that is popular and has received good reviews. 

Size matters

A valid argument for purchasing a more expensive diesel heater is the size of your RV. If you have a larger-than-average vehicle, you may need a more powerful heater to heat the space adequately. In this case, an expensive model may be worth the investment to ensure that you stay warm and comfortable throughout your trip without asking too much from your heater.

That being said, throughout the entire industry, there are bargains to be had, and I genuinely believe diesel heaters are one of them. Buy the right one, and I can’t see how anyone justifies spending thousands on another brand that does the exact same thing for more than twice the price. Do you?

Whether you choose a cheaper or more expensive model, a diesel heater can make all the difference in your camping and caravanning experience, allowing you to enjoy this great Australian landscape in comfort and warmth.

Have you got a cheapy in tow? Or perhaps you’ve splurged and you don’t regret it. We’d love to hear what you think.

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Josh Leonard
Josh Leonard

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