3 Simple ways to secure your caravan from thieves

Your caravan is a valuable asset, so it’s important to have basic security precautions in place to keep the good times rolling.


May 4, 2023


When we think of caravanning, words such as adventure, freedom and fun usually spring to mind. The word ‘theft’ is not typically on the heads of those having a blast while travelling on the road. However, we’re here to remind you that your caravan is a valuable asset, so it’s important to have basic security precautions in place to keep the good times rolling. 

For your own peace of mind, we’ve rounded up 3 simple ways to secure your caravan and prevent theft.

Attach a hitch lock

What do they say? ‘If you like it, then you shoulda put a hitch lock on it.’ Okay, Beyonce might not have said that, but we certainly do.  

One of the most effective ways to secure your caravan is by using a hitch lock. This device attaches to the tow hitch and prevents anyone from attaching the caravan to their own vehicle. Keep a look out for a hitch lock that’s made from high-quality materials and is difficult to cut or break. 

Check out the Saracen Caravan & Trailer Hitch Lock. It boasts a high-security, 7-pin barrel lock, resistant to picking, drilling and gas freezing, with a tubular anti-copy key. 

And remember, always attach your hitch lock when you’re not using the caravan. Even if it’s stored in a secure place. 

Install an anti-theft alarm system

Did you know thieves don’t like high-tech alarm systems? 

This is why you should look for an alarm system that’s specifically designed for caravans and has security alarms to alert you and others nearby if someone tries to break in. 

The AL-KO Anti-Theft System (ATS) is a GPS tracker / 3GSM tracking device that gives you the ability to real-time position track via phone or the web. Not only that, but it gives 15-second position updates and security alerts and is supported by police for rapid theft response.

It’s a good idea to test the alarm regularly to ensure that it’s properly working. 

Image via: https://mrcaravanstorage.com.au/

Choose the right location to store your pride and joy

When you’re not packing up the family and heading on an adventure, you’re going to want to make sure your caravan is stored in a secure location. A hot tip is to look for a storage unit that has good security measures such as CCTV cameras and security gates.

Do you have any other hot tips that you use to secure your caravan? Shoot us through a message on Facebook or Instagram and let us know!

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Remy Taylor
Remy Taylor

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